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2023 Counselors

At Camp Dogwood, our pride lies in the dedication of our team, composed of 16 committed staff and counselors who reside and work on our premises throughout the summer. Maintaining a one-to-six staff-to-camper ratio, our team ensures a personalized focus on each individual’s needs. The summer program is further enriched by a qualified assistant director and a nurse, offering comprehensive support.

In addition to supervising various activities, our staff serves as sighted guides, assists in meal service, and embraces diverse roles to support our guests with visual impairments. We provide thorough training for all positions, and applicants must be at least 18 years old at the start of the camp season. A mandatory background check and drug screen contribute to the excellence of our team.

Our overarching goal is to curate a week of joy and camaraderie for individuals spanning ages 18 to over 100. Campers are expected to manage independent self-care, covering activities like eating, bathing, dressing, and using the toilet. Those requiring assistance bring a caregiver, and we offer specialized training to ensure a seamless experience. This opportunity extends beyond a job—it can also serve as an internship.




Summer Counselor Application: Please call for Counselor Applications (828) 478-3125

Volunteer Opportunities: 2025

We are in search of six volunteers each week, offering complimentary meals and lodging for the duration of the one-week commitment. Background checks are mandatory.

If you are ready to make a meaningful difference, contact us to explore volunteering at Camp Dogwood.

Please mail your volunteer application to: 7062 Camp Dogwood Drive Sherrills Ford, NC 28673


For those interested in joining our program as a staff member, please reach out to our office at 828-478-2135 for additional information.